My most sincere apologies for being such a deadbeat for the past few weeks. I have had things to write about, just not enough energy to actually get my fingers moving on the keys. Why? Because I've been working "All Nighters". You see, June is a special time of year at FUN Enterprises when high school seniors graduate and we supply the entertainment at their after-prom and after-graduation parties. It's always nice to shake things up from the usual college events, but it's not so nice when you get used to working midnight to 4:00am and sleeping when the sun is out. Not nice at all. Unless you get home just as a nearby diner is opening up and you get the first fried eggs off the egg fryer. I'll gladly take that breakfast any day of the week, even if it means eating at 6:30am (the time that I normally stumble out of bed). The high school events do have some perks I suppose. There's usually lots of free coffee and pizza. EVERYONE is excited so there is generally never a dull moment and the nights go pretty quickly. The coolest thing is when I have a job in Connecticut and I watch the sun set on the drive out and watch it rise on the drive home. It's sort of like playing tag with the sun, except the sun has a REALLY good hiding place for about 6 hours. There's not a whole lot more to say about the high schools, and since I'm working on getting my sleep recovery time in, I'll just leave you with these fun little GPS photos. (See if you can guess which one I took when I left the house and which one I took when I got home!!)