"Fitness Center". That particular phrase can be somewhat deceptive, especially to the new traveller. It's always exciting to think that there might be a chance to get a little work out in isn't it? When you spend much of the year driving and living in hotels, exercise is not always an option, especially when you're pulling into places at all hours of the night. I have learned that the best way to up your chances of getting in a workout between hours of driving and eating gas station meals is to search for a little green rest stop book entitled "Room Saver". This book is green gold. Not only can you find super cheapo rooms -- sometimes you'll even find a good hotel at a reasonable rate -- but most coupons list the amenities featured at the location. Fitness center is a very rare find so when you see it, take it. It MIGHT be worth the stop. This Days Inn in Rochester, NY is a reasonably good find. $45 dollars, parking right outside my door, TWO Tim Horton's right down the road and of course the fitness center. For the remainder of this entry, please note the sentence above where I suggested that "it MIGHT be worth the stop" and focus on the word MIGHT. There is one thing that you should know about a fitness center: it is almost never a gym. Do not confuse the two, please. A gym is well A) built in a gym B) usually has towels and wipes for dirty equipment and C) at least one working TV to convince me to stay on the treadmill. A fitness center is completely different animal. If you find that you exercise best in a converted hotel room with a few giant mirrors pasted on the walls, TVs that usually don't work and a few pieces of miscellaneous equipment that were likely picked up at yard sales, then the fitness center is for you! The great thing about this particular Days Inn is that there are a few different buildings on the property, so I got to walk all the way around my building to get to the treadmill. It really doesn't make sense to have a hallway to cut through, you're so right Days Inn. So, after all that I have to admit that other than my rainy trek around, I can't really complain about this particular room because they DID have a working TV and a decent treadmill. I do want to point out one particular piece of equipment that I've never seen at a hotel before though: the AB Crunch. Again, I site the yard sale find. I really doubt that management here was watching late night shop-at-home, noticed this piece and thought "Finally! A machine that my guests will really be able to use!!". It's more of a decoration than anything else, I promise.

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