Since the summer is a rather slow season for travelling (at least here at FUN Enterprises) I've got a new project in the works that I'm pretty excited about. At the suggestion of my boss, I'm writing an article about novelty programming trends that I hope to have published in Campus Activities Magazine. For those of you not in the bizzzz, Campus Activities Magazine is an entertainment magazine designed specifically for artists, agents, and those in charge of booking college events to keep them up to date with the newest artists and hottest trends in college programming. Right now we're running a FUN Enterprises summer ad in their special series at the back of the magazine, so hopefully this article will get us a little closer to the front cover. If all goes according to plan, this will be my first official publication and I'm super excited about it. The main goal of the article is to find out how many novelty programs students and their advisers book on their campus, how much money they spend on this kind of programming and when they book. These are some very simple but important questions that I for one had never really thought to ask. I always figured that my experience as a student programmer was enough, but as it turns out, every school works differently. Imagine that!! The first exciting find I've made is that the contacts I've been calling are MUCH more willing to answer survey questions than to listen to my sales pitch (hopefully that's just because they haven't met me yet??) As of right now, I have about a 20% success rate of getting responses between the calling and emailing I've been doing. This is a good start, but I'd really like to get that closer to at least 80% to have some solid stats for the article. Now the prospect of being published in an actual publication is very exciting, but it's also making me just a little nervous. How many people are going to read this article? How many people are going to love it or hate it? What if someone thinks that my theory is totally off base? This time I'm not just writing for me, I'm writing as a correspondent for FUN Enterprises. STRESSFUL. Despite all this, I am bound and determined to be the best correspondent that FUN Enterprises has ever seen! I will make them proud and I will knock the socks off all of those Campus Activities Magazine readers! Does that sound good for a daily affirmation? I think I'll give it a shot...
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