This 4th of July, yours truly enjoyed the rare and oh so valuable vacation weekend. I didn't AWAY persay, but I did declare independence from my computer for 3 WHOLE DAYS. It was fantastic. If you've ever had one of those weeks that just feels like it will never end then you can understand how wonderful it feels to pack your bag and lock the front door behind you knowing that you wont be unlocking that door again for a few days. As much as I love being connected at the push of a button, this laptop can sometimes feel like a major ball and chain. Leaving behind all my work files so that I couldn't look even if I wanted to put a big smile on my face. Besides, I knew they'd be there when I got back. Now, on to the good stuff. The mini-vacation consisted of 3 events: a trip to the Cape, a wedding, and a cookout. It really doesn't get more summer than that. One day at the Cape is never quite enough, but we squeezed as much into our day as was humanly possibly. There was beach time, there was grilling time and there was going out to a local bar time and best of all was doing all of this with my boyfriend and his family :) A+ beginning to the weekend. So Cape day was Saturday which means that wedding day was Sunday. The wedding involved a high school friend of mine/my sister and the young lady's fiance. It was gorgeous weather for a wedding, sunny and warm, and it made the air condition in at the reception feel like a major treat! I've never been to a holiday wedding before and was a little wary, but I ended up being pleasantly surprised. With everyone at the beach, we had no problems with traffic and our party was the only one at the reception hall that day which made it seem even more special. A+ for day two. With the wedding on Sunday, the only logical day for our cookout was Monday. Although I know full well that it could have been a touch warmer that day, it certainly felt like we had maxxed out the mercury in the midday sun. It was brutal. I was trying to work on my balloon animals but there was a lot of carnage from all of the unlucky animals who met the sun too soon. So sad. I was able to successfully pursue a second past time of mine with new beer brand sampling. It all started when my sister and I were shopping around for the July 4th staples at the liquor store. Once we had stocked up on the Mike's Hard Limeade for my aunt, we decided to poke around in the other cases and found Elephant Beer!! (Elephants are my favorite animal, I could not turn this opportunity to enjoy a combination of favorite beverage and favorite animal) It was a very good thing we went with the Elephant because it was deeeelicious. There couldn't have been a more perfect drink for that hot hot day. A fun new beer combined with the most fabulous backyard set-up made for the third A+ of the weekend and an absolutely perfect mini-vacation. Great weekends like those make the long trips on the Trucker Girl trail worth all the work.

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