So, this posting belongs to last night, but I was so exhausted when I got home that I decided to postpone until tonight. The reason that I was so tired is because it was Lady Date night! What is a Lady Date you ask? Basically it's one of the most fun nights ever because I get to eat and shop and adventure with my friend L. Every once in a while when the stars align there are nights during the week when we hard working ladies are free to actually spend time together, and when that happens it's a night not to be missed because it's a rare treasure. Our adventure last night was threefold: 1) construct and devour a homemade pizza 2) find a decent and affordable dress at TJ Maxx and 3) ICE CREAM. Part 1 of the mission was a complete success. Linsey has the most creative collection of pizza toppings I have ever seen in a home refrigerator and I was thoroughly impressed with her pizza creation skills. It was delicious, and we each got 2 slices :) Part 2 of the mission was a little tougher because of the parameters for the shopping trip. The main reason we went to TJ Maxx is because I've done such a good job using my TJ Maxx card that they rewarded me with a couple of rewards certificates to tempt me back into the danger zone. As it turns out I'm going to a wedding in a few weeks and I really needed a nice grown-up lady type dress, so having $20 "free" dollars to spend isn't the worst thing that could have happened. Thank goodness L was there because I probably would have walked right by the dress that she picked out and ended up empty handed for no reason. That lady has an eye for style. The dress is a purple, crepe backed satin with a nice cut and a little stretch (which will be lovely when the dancing starts) and it goes just above the knee which is, as my friend Mark noted today, the perfect length to wear to a wedding. We didn't quite keep it under the $20 price point, but I only had to pay $9.99 extra so I REALLY can't complain. It's funny because on the hanger, this dress is so not the kind of thing I would volunteer to try on, but on me it looks totally different. If you didn't catch this before, I'm very glad L was there, this was too good of a deal to pass up! Ok, dinner and dress down, now it's on to ICE CREAM. L is an ice cream expert so she knew exactly where to go and man did we get there in the nick of time! They closed at 9:00 and we got there at 8:55, but we took our chances and waited for the line outside the door to thin out and eventually we got our 15 seconds of fame in front of the counter. There is nothing that goes better with pizza and a new dress than mint chocolate chip and chocolate/peanut butter cookie dough. It was the cherry on top of a perfect Lady Date :)
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