Monday, August 16, 2010

Runner Girl

Although the best part of being a Trucker Girl is constantly being on the go and seeking new adventures, I have found that wheels are not the only means of transportation. Sometimes a Trucker Girl has to strap on her running shoes and take to the streets, and that is just what I did today after months and months of non-running. Needless to say, it was a tough trip. Going from being a dedicated runner in high school with a full twelve seasons under my belt to a lazy bum non-runner once I started college is probably is one of my biggest pet peeves. My memories of running 12 miles every Sunday afternoon are very bittersweet; I loved that time in the woods, but it's hard work running 12 miles and I just don't know whether I'm cut out for it anymore. That whole being cut out for it anymore part is generally what gets me every time I try to rebuild my running regimen, but this time I've concocted a brand new plan of attack, and I think it's working. I started off by running 2.6 miles everyday. 2.6 miles is easy enough, even for a slacker like me, and it seems to have been just the right amount to remind my body what moving really feels like. (2.6 may seem like a strange number, but I use it because it's the distance of a nice loop near my house and I feel like I'm cheating if I call it 3 miles) Let's move on to this week. This week is 4 mile week. The plan is to do 4 miles everyday (or at least every day that I come home right after work) and see how I feel at the end of the week to decide if I stay at 4 miles for a second week or move on to 5 miles. Judging by the way things went today, I'm fairly confident that there will be more than one 4 mile week. As it turns out, today was not only the day that I decided to really challenge was also the day that EXTREME humidity decided to return to MA. Must have been time for that since the past few days were so nice. In any event, it was hot. Brutally hot. And muggy, thick and muggy. None of these words describe good running weather, I assure you. However, I was determined not to let a little humidity ruin my run, and although it put up a good fight, I made it through and was victorious! Very exciting. I should admit at this point that my sudden urge to get back into running is not entirely of my own doing. One of my co-workers has also begun a running career and is using a program called "Couch to 5K in 90 days" to guide him. I'm so proud of him because I know this is something that he really wants to do and his dedication never wavers. Having been a new runner at one time long long ago, I know how hard it can be to take the trip alone, but I am so excited to see him succeeding in his journey and it's getting me all revved and ready to go along on my way too. The sneakers wont be a permanent fixture (it'd be a long run to work down the highway) but they sure are a good break from the wheels every now and then.

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